Judge in Vitória exempts company from Difal-ICMS until specific state law is issued
The opening of disputes against the charging of the difference in ICMS tax rate (Difal) in transactions in which the consumer is in another state, such as in e-commerce, adds yet another...
Tax Changes :: January 2022
State Legislation AC LAW No. 3,870, OF DECEMBER 17, 2021 Provides for the exemption from ICMS. HSCE Comments: Provides for the exemption from ICMS, in operations with breeders and...
RJ grants ICMS tax benefit to the nautical industry
The State of Rio de Janeiro has instituted a new tax benefit for the nautical industry. It authorized - through Law No. 9,526, of 2021 - the postponement of the collection...
Federal Revenue demands PIS and Cofins on “bonus” goods
The Federal Revenue Service advises the country's tax authorities to charge PIS and Cofins on goods received as “bonuses”. The practice of bonuses is common among suppliers and retailers, especially for...
TRF1: aircraft with zero tax rate is not subject to the increase in Cofins-Importation
The 8th Panel of the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region (TRF1) unanimously confirmed a sentence that exempted TAM Linhas Aéreas from paying the additional 1% of the Contribution...