Transportation costs for employees involved in the production of goods generate PIS and Cofins credits
Expenses related to the purchase of transportation vouchers and the hiring of chartered vehicles to transport employees to work generate PIS and Cofins credits. The guidance is contained in two...
RJ government exempts rice and beans and reduces ICMS on aviation kerosene
The government of Rio de Janeiro announced this Friday, in a statement, that rice and beans sold in the State will be exempt from the Circulation Tax...
In a recent decision by the TJ-SC, a software company obtains the right to tax immunity
A company that licenses cloud software has obtained a decision from the Court of Justice of Santa Catarina (TJ-SC) that exempts it from paying tax. The judges classified the activity under article...
Tax Changes :: July 2021
No highlight. Protocols No highlight. Federal Legislation No highlight. State Legislation AC No highlight. AL SURE REGULATORY INSTRUCTION No. 003, OF JULY 27, 2021 Establishes the values for...
Government reduces IPI for electronic games again
President Jair Bolsonaro issued a decree on Wednesday (11) reducing the IPI (Tax on Industrialized Products) on electronic games, the Planalto Palace reported. According to the government, it is the third...