

The newspaper VALOR ECONÔMICO draws attention to an emblematic decision made by Minister Luiz Fux, of the STF. As the text highlights, this is the first manifestation of the STF, albeit a monocratic one, on the attempt of the National Treasury to overturn tax credits granted judicially to companies in relation to the “thesis of the century”. This dispute taken up by the National Treasury refers to decisions made between March 2017, when the STF decided to exclude ICMS from the calculation basis of PIS and Cofins, and May 2021, when the court modulated the effects of its decision. Fux ruled against the Treasury, maintaining R$4.4 million in credits obtained by a Santa Catarina company in the textile sector. As the newspaper highlights, “the decision is important for several companies” because “it overturns a thesis used in hundreds of Treasury actions” . According to the report, there are “around 700 rescission actions” filed against companies that obtained, in that period, credits above R$1 million.

Source: https://jota.pro/tributos/9114

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