Serviços / Tax management

Constant changes in the tax legislation scenario demand a lot of time to comply with your company's tax obligations. The diagnostic service provides an up-to-date and impartial view of the tax health of your activities. Hands-On offers this service in two formats:

Assessment of main obligations (collections) and ancillary obligations. There is also mapping of unidentified tax savings opportunities. Tax savings opportunities: assessment of the company's activities to identify, in a targeted manner, opportunities to reduce the client's tax burden, in a full service format (identification and survey). Both modalities for the limitation period (5 years), as well as for future operations.

Tax review of the company's operations, analytically evaluating tax parameters, item by item, including analysis of exceptions to the rules. This work may be carried out periodically or occasionally.

Hands-on service, in the company's day-to-day activities, to provide routine tax advice to the client's staff. We seek, in partnership with our clients, to develop the best schedule to reduce costs in staff transitions, without losing quality and ensuring the maintenance of information. Proven areas of activity: Retail; Industry; Energy; Mining; Fashion retail.

The correct implementation of ERPs mitigates problems with internal processes, such as approval of tax documents and payments that affect the smooth running of the company's operational process. We assist in the implementation of tax/fiscal rules for the process, as well as monitoring after go live.

Implementation of tax/fiscal rules for the company's activities. Also assistance in the post-implementation process, guiding on deviations from procedures within the value chain (supplier/client). Proven areas of activity: Retail; Industry; Telecom; Energy; Mining; Oil & Gas; Fashion retail; Cosmetics.

Operating system developed by Hands-On, which assists companies in the compliance process, validating all tax rules for each client transaction, and not just electronic information with additional obligations. The parameterization is customized for each company and transaction, including mapping the application of exceptions to the rules (special regimes, tax substitution, etc.), which guarantees the effectiveness of the system. Proven area of activity: Retail.

Tax governance improvement process. Through interviews, mapping of activities performed, focal points, responsible parties and alternates, we are able to reduce work, identify compliance failures, optimize internal and tax delivery deadlines, as well as redistribute responsibilities in order to improve the flow of information and response time.

Study on the best locations to start or expand the company's activities, from a tax logistics point of view. The objective of this study is to ensure the best tax cost scenario.

We provide personalized tax training for each company, considering the type of business and the needs of each company.

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