Law 14,592/2023, which updates the Emergency Program for the Resumption of the Events Sector (Perse), was published this Tuesday (30/5), in an extra edition of the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU). The measure grants a zero rate of Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ), Social Contribution on Net Income (CSLL), PIS/Pasep and Cofins for companies covered by the program. The benefit is valid for 60 months. See the full text Law 14.592/2023.
Articles 11 and 12 of the text approved by Congress originating from MP 1147/22 were vetoed – which was expected. The provisions dealt with the allocation of 5% of Sesc/Senai revenue to Embratur.
In justifying the veto, the government argued that “despite the good intentions of the legislator, the legislative proposal immediately removes considerable amounts from the budget of the Social Service of Commerce and the National Service for Commercial Training (Sesc), which could result in losses for some relevant social services provided by entities of the S System”.
The expectation is that the government will later issue a decree or provisional measure that defines another form of financing for Embratur.
The update to Perse is the result of a provisional measure issued in the final days of the Bolsonaro government. Although it was sent by the previous administration, it became relevant to the current government mainly because it incorporated the content of the provisional measures on fuel tax relief (MPs 1157/23 and 1163/23) and the exclusion of ICMS from PIS/Cofins credits (MP 1159/23).
Perse was born from a project created at the beginning of the pandemic, which gave rise to Law 14.148/2021. The law created measures to help companies that depend on leisure and tourism, areas affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.