TRF3: international cruise must pay taxes on operations carried out in Brazil
The 4th Panel of the Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region (TRF3) unanimously upheld a ruling that ordered the collection of taxes levied on operations carried out on board...
By casting vote, Carf prohibits deduction of goodwill from the CSLL base
By a casting vote, the 1st Panel of the Superior Chamber of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (Carf) understood that expenses with goodwill are not deductible from the tax base...
Belo Horizonte judge denies injunctions and ICMS Difal will be paid in 2022
Minas Gerais is moving towards collecting the differential (Difal) of the ICMS rate – a tax levied on transactions in which the end consumer is in another state, such as in...
ICMS/MG – Taxation Superintendence announces the return of the Difal tax on transactions with non-taxpayers as of 04/05/2022
The Taxation Superintendence (Sutri) of Minas Gerais announced that ICMS on interstate transactions and services destined for non-taxpayer end consumers (ICMS-Difal) will be required from...
São Paulo charges ICMS on software sold together with hardware
The São Paulo State Finance Department understands that ICMS should be charged on the sale of “wi-fi access points”, which includes the transfer of the right to use...